T Minus Three Weeks and Counting...

It seems like just yesterday when I sat down with the Diversity Steering Committee and the Lookout PR and Marketing teams to discuss a concept idea called the "Day of Shecurity". At that point, it was really just a pipe dream. We had passion, an idea and a desire to see real change happen. Flash forward to today and we are just about three weeks away from seeing all of our hard work and commitment come to fruition. This is going to happen and in a very big way. Change is coming.

Of course, this effort simply wouldn't have been possible if it had not been for all of the blood, sweat and tears put in by the Core Team: Lisa Kendall, Launa Rich, Deidre Diamond, Kyle Kennedy, Laura Buitrago, Amy Chiang, Ashlee Lam, Tad Whitaker and Travis McPeak. Without you folks, this simply would have been just an idea that fell to the cutting room floor. Speaking for myself personally, thank you SO MUCH for believing in this idea and helping to see it through. I couldn't possibly be more proud of the effort that we've collectively made to bring this together.

Additionally, I want to also extend a personal thank you to all of the presenters, staff and volunteers who are committed to giving time and effort to make this day possible. I am confident that we will make a difference and in the long term, change the industry for the better. This is the first step of many.

Lastly, I hope that all of the attendees who are planning on joining us on June 16th get the very most out of this event that they can. We as a community are here for you; we want you to join us, we want you to be part of this industry and we are here to help see that happen.

With that I am looking forward to meeting each and every one of you on June 16th. I truly hope that you are as excited as I am.

 - Matt Torbin || pennsylforniageek || gh057

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